Our arts program focuses on providing both emotional and mental support for kids with cancer. We create cards/crafts and specialized coloring books designed to inspire pediatric cancer patients to continue fighting. Both the cards and coloring pages in our coloring book are drawn by our very own volunteers!
About This Program
The handmade/E-cards, digital posters, bookmarks, bracelets and other crafts we mail to pediatric cancer hospitals and individual families all over the world not only encourage patients to keep fighting, but also to remind them that there is a community of young people cheering them on to win their battle against cancer.
Coloring books are great ways to distract patients and ease their minds during their hospital stay. Our coloring book is unique because every page is designed and hand-drawn by our own volunteers. Each coloring page is also designed to be inspirational and happy, ensuring that coloring the pages in our coloring book will spark positivity. Due to COVID-19, we have shared our free downloadable PDF version of the CKF coloring book so hospitals can accept them without risks of infection.
From celebrating birthdays to celebrating a finished round of chemo, our Arts Program has provided cards and crafts to individual patients as well, who may not currently be receiving treatment within a hospital.